Why Nations Fail. The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty

Why Nations Fail. The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty

Acemoglu, Daron
Robinson, James A.

Editorial Random House USA
Fecha de edición marzo 2012 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780307719218
464 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa dura

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P.V.P.  28,25 €

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Resumen del libro

This is a provocative new theory of political economy explaining why the world is divided into nations with wildly differing levels of prosperity. Why are some nations more prosperous than others? "Why Nations Fail" sets out to answer this question, with a compelling and elegantly argued new theory: that it is not down to climate, geography or culture, but because of institutions. Drawing on an extraordinary range of contemporary and historical examples, from ancient Rome through the Tudors to modern-day China, leading academics Daron Acemoglu and James A.

Robinson show that to invest and prosper, people need to know that if they work hard, they can make money and actually keep it - and this means sound institutions that allow virtuous circles of innovation, expansion and peace. Based on fifteen years of research, and answering the competing arguments of authors ranging from Max Weber to Jeffrey Sachs and Jared Diamond, Acemoglu and Robinson step boldly into the territory of Francis Fukuyama and Ian Morris. They blend economics, politics, history and current affairs to provide a new, powerful and persuasive way of understanding wealth and poverty.

They offer a pragmatic basis for the hope that at 'critical junctures' in history, those mired in poverty can be placed on the path to prosperity - with important consequences for our views on everything from the role of aid to the future of China.

Biografía del autor

Daron Acemoglu es catedrático de Economía en el Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT). Ha publicado artículos en revistas de prestigio internacional y es uno de los diez economistas más citados en el mundo según IDEAS/RePEc. Es miembro de la Academia Americana de las Artes y las Ciencias, de la Asociación Económica Europea y de la Econometric Society. Fue galardonado en 2016 con el Premio Fronteras del Conocimiento BBVA de Economía, Finanzas y Gestión de Empresas por sus aportaciones fundamentales a la economía del crecimiento y el desarrollo. En 2011, publicó el bestseller Por qué fracasan los países (Deusto), junto con James A. Robinson.

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