Vegetable Growing Month-by-month

Vegetable Growing Month-by-month

Harrison, John

Editorial Constable & Robinson
Fecha de edición diciembre 2010

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780716021896

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P.V.P.  7,79 €

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Resumen del libro

Whatever the size of your garden or allotment, you can grow your own vegetables. Even if you only have a balcony or a small paved area outside your kitchen, you can grow more than you ever thought possible in pots, containers and raised beds.Experienced vegetable grower, John Harrison takes you through the entire vegetable year so that, for all the main vegetables, you'll know exactly when you should sow your seeds, dig your plot and harvest your crops.Choose the most appropriate vegetables for your particular soil and select the right position so that they flourish. Discover how to make your own compost and organic fertilisers, as well as the best methods of controlling pests.

Find out how to extend the season by buying or building your own cloches and cold frames.Put an end to worries that your shop-bought vegetables contain chemical residues or to concerns about the air miles such vegetables have flown en route to your table!

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