Two Nights

Two Nights

Reichs, Kathy

Editorial Cornerstone
Fecha de edición julio 2017 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780434021123
336 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  17,00 €

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Resumen del libro

Meet Sunday Night, a woman with physical and psychological scars, and a killer instinct ... Sunnie has spent years running from her past, burying secrets and building a life in which she needs no one and feels nothing. But a girl has gone missing, lost in the chaos of a bomb explosion, and the family needs Sunnie's help.

Is the girl dead? Did someone take her? If she is out there, why doesn't she want to be found? It's time for Sunnie to face her own demons - because they might just lead her to the truth about what really happened all those years ago. With Kathy Reichs, the reader knows that they are in the hands of an expert. As a forensic anthropologist, 1 of only 82 forensic anthropologists ever certified by the American Board, Reichs' real-life expertise has given her novels an authenticity that most other crime novelists would kill for.

From teaching FBI agents how to detect and recover human remains, to separating and identifying commingled body parts in her lab, no one is better qualified to write about what it's really like to catch the killer and solve the crime.

Biografía del autor

KATHY REICHS (Chicago, 1950). Prestigiosa antropóloga forense, fue investigadora del Laboratorio de Ciencias Jurídicas y de Me dicina Legal de la provincia de Quebec y del Departamento Forense del Estado de Ca rolina del Norte, además de profesora uni-versitaria, escritora de novelas de misterio y productora de la conocida serie x{0026}lt;i Bonesx{0026}lt;/i . Desde su primera novela, x{0026}lt;i Testigos del silen ciox{0026}lt;/i , el número de sus lectores no ha dejado de aumentar. RBA ha publicado sus bestse llers x{0026}lt;i Informe Brennanx{0026}lt;/i , x{0026}lt;i Lunes de cenizax{0026}lt;/i , x{0026}lt;i Tras la huella de Cristox{0026}lt;/i y x{0026}lt;i Ningún hueso rotox{0026}lt;/i , to dos ellos protagonizados por Temperance Bones Brennan.

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