Thomas Cromwell

The Rise And Fall Of Henry VIII's Most Notorious Minister

Thomas Cromwell

Hutchinson, Robert

Editorial Weidenfeld & Nicolson
Fecha de edición abril 2009 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780753823613
368 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda
Dimensiones 130 mm x 196 mm

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P.V.P.  16,50 €

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Resumen del libro

The rise and fall of Henry's notorious minister - the most corrupt Chancellor in English historyThe son of a brewer, Cromwell rose from obscurity to become Earl of Essex, Vice-Regent and High Chamberlain of England, Keep of the Privy Seal and Chancellor of the Exchequer. He maneuvered his way to the top by intrigue, bribery and sheer force of personality in a court dominated by the malevolent King Henry. Cromwell pursued the interests of the king with single-minded energy and little subtlety.

Tasked with engineering the judicial murder of Anne Boleyn when she had worn out her welcome in the royal chamber, he tortured her servants and relations, then organised a 'show trial' of Stalinist efficiency. He orchestrated the 'greatest act of privatisation in English history': the seizure of the monasteries. Their enormous wealth was used to cement the loyalty of the English nobility, and to enrich the crown.

Cromwell made himself a fortune too, soliciting colossal bribes and binding the noble families to him with easy loans. He came home from court literally weighed down with gold.

Biografía del autor

Robert Hutchinson, Miembro de la Orden del Imperio Británico, es uno de los mayores expertos en la Inglaterra de los Tudor y en concreto del período Isabelino.Forma parte del comité de asesores del ministerio de Defensa Británico

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