The Task of the Critic

The Task of the Critic

Eagleton, Terry

Editorial Verso Books
Fecha de edición diciembre 2009

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781844673391
224 páginas
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Resumen del libro

The leading literary theorist dissected in interview

Terry Eagleton occupies a unique position in the English-speaking world today. He is not only a productive literary theorist, but also a novelist and playwright. He remains a committed socialist deeply hostile to the zeitgeist. Over the last forty years his public interventions have enlivened an otherwise bland and conformist culture. His pen, as many colleagues in the academy including Harold Bloom, Gayatri Spivak and Homi Bhabha have learnt, is merciless and unsparing. As a critic Eagleton has not shied away from confronting the high priests of native conformity as highlighted by his coruscating polemic against Martin Amis on the issue of civil liberties and religion.

This comprehensive volume of interviews covers both his life and the development of his thought and politics. Lively and insightful, they will appeal not only to those with an interest in Eagleton himself, but to all those interested in the evolution of radical politics, modernism, cultural theory, the history of ideas, sociology, semantic inquiry and the state of Marxist theory.

Biografía del autor

Terry Eagleton (Salford, Reino Unido, 1943) es profesor de Literatura Inglesa en la Universidad de Lancaster. Doctorado en el Trinity College de Cambridge, fue profesor en el Jesus College de la misma institución, en varios centros académicos de Oxford y en la Universidad de Manchester. Discípulo de Raymond Williams, Eagleton ha unido los estudios culturales con la teoría literaria, el marxismo y el psicoanálisis. Entre sus obras figuranLa idea de cultura (2001),El portero (2004),La estética como ideología (2006), El sentido de la vida (2008),Sobre el mal (2010),Terror santo (2008),El acontecimiento de la literatura (2013), Por qué Marx tenía razón (2015) y Cómo leer literatura (2016).

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