On the Edge

On the Edge

St. Aubyn, Edward

Editorial Picador
Fecha de edición junio 2015 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781447253563
464 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  10,80 €

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Resumen del libro

Edward St Aubyn's gentle satire of New Ageism is a richly insightful and vigorously funny take on the modern condition
Sabine is the most mercurial woman Peter Thorpe has ever known. Such is his desire for her that he overturns his whole life his disillusioned merchant-banker's life and leaves everything behind, not caring that his lover is of no fixed address, nor that his search for her will take him to the beating heart of New Ageism in northern California.
Each of his fellow seekers is in hot pursuit of that elusive something (happiness?), and in their eccentric company Peter stumbles across vistas he had never before dared to imagine . . .

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