How the Light Gets In

How the Light Gets In

Penny, Louise

Editorial Minotaur
Fecha de edición julio 2014

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781250047274
416 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  13,30 €

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Resumen del libro

There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. Leonard Cohen

Christmas is approaching, and in Québec it's a time of dazzling snowfalls, bright lights, and gatherings with friends in front of blazing hearths. But shadows are falling on the usually festive season for Chief Inspector Armand Gamache. Most of his best agents have left the Homicide Department, his old friend and lieutenant Jean-Guy Beauvoir hasn't spoken to him in months, and hostile forces are lining up against him. When Gamache receives a message from Myrna Landers that a longtime friend has failed to arrive for Christmas in the village of Three Pines, he welcomes the chance to get away from the city. Mystified by Myrna's reluctance to reveal her friend's name, Gamache soon discovers the missing woman was once one of the most famous people not just in North America, but in the world, and now goes unrecognized by virtually everyone except the mad, brilliant poet Ruth Zardo.

As events come to a head, Gamache is drawn ever deeper into the world of Three Pines. Increasingly, he is not only investigating the disappearance of Myrna's friend but also seeking a safe place for himself and his still-loyal colleagues. Is there peace to be found even in Three Pines, and at what cost to Gamache and the people he holds dear?

How the Light Gets In is the ninth Chief Inspector Gamache Novel from Louise Penny.

Biografía del autor

x{0026}lt;P x{0026}lt;B Louise Pennyx{0026}lt;/B (Toronto, 1958) comenzó trabajando como periodista y locutora radiofónica para la Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Las diecisiete novelas que ha escrito del ciclo dedicado a Armand Gamache y la localidad de Three Pines han sido traducidas a veintinueve idiomas y han merecido varios Agatha Awards y Anthony Awards, entre otros muchísimos reconocimientos y distinciones. En 2013 fue nombrada Miembro de la Ordende Canadá por su contribución a difundir la cultura del país. x{0026}lt;I Casas de cristalx{0026}lt;/I , que obtuvo los prestigiosos premios Agatha y Left Coast Crime y se encaramó al primer puesto de la lista de más vendidos de x{0026}lt;I The New York Timesx{0026}lt;/I y x{0026}lt;I The Globe and Mailx{0026}lt;/I , fue considerado uno de los mejores libros del año por los libreros y la crítica. La serie Three Pines , basada en las novelas de Louise Penny y con Alfred Molina en el papel de Armand Gamache, se ha estrenado con gran éxito en Amazon Prime Video.x{0026}lt;/P

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