Hotel Iris

Hotel Iris

Ogawa, Yoko

Editorial Picador USA
Fecha de edición marzo 2010

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780312425241
176 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  12,15 €

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Resumen del libro

A tale of twisted love, from the author ofThe Diving Pool and The Housekeeper and the Professor

In a crumbling seaside hotel on the coast of Japan, quiet seventeen-year-old Mari works the front desk as her mother tends to the off-season customers. When one night they are forced to expel a middle-aged man and a prostitute from their room, Mari finds herself drawn to the man's voice, in what will become the first gesture of a single long seduction. In spite of her provincial surroundings, and her cool but controlling mother, Mari is a sophisticated observer of human desire, and she sees in this man something she has long been looking for.

The man is a proud if threadbare translator living on an island off the coast. A widower, there are whispers around town that he may have murdered his wife. Mari begins to visit him on his island, and he soon initiates her into a dark realm of both pain and pleasure, a place in which she finds herself more at ease even than the translator. As Mari's mother begins to close in on the affair, Mari's sense of what is suitable and what is desirable are recklessly engaged.

Biografía del autor

(Okayama, 1962) ha ganado los más importantes premios literarios japoneses, incluidos el Akutagawa y el Tanizaki. Es autora de reconocidas novelas, como el célebre best seller La fórmula preferida del profesor, que pronto publicaremos en Tusquets Editores. La magistral novela La Policía de la Memoria quedó finalista del National Book Award 2019 y del International Booker Prize 2020, y fue considerada una de las mejores obras del año 2020 por The New York Times, The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, The Guardian, Time, Financial Times, Esquire, Library Journal, Kirkus Review y LitHub.

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