Small town Louisiana has a big problem - or rather a number of big problems. And now some of them have come knocking on Sookie's door ...Sookie is an unassuming cocktail waitress in an (outwardly) unremarkable town. She's quiet, keeps to herself and doesn't get out much.
Attractive as she is, her hidden 'talents' send men running. For some reason her mindreading skills are just a bit threatening ...Then the unreadable Bill appears on the scene. Tall, dark and handsome, Bill seems to be the man of her dreams.
Except he's not technically human. Bill is a vampire and a vampire who keeps seriously bad company, some suspected - unsurprisingly - of murder. Things get a bit close to home when a co-worker is murdered and Sookie starts wondering whether she will be next ...
x{0026}lt;P x{0026}lt;B CHARLAINE HARRISx{0026}lt;/B (Misisipi, 1951), licenciada en Filología Inglesa, se especializó como novelista en historias de fantasía y misterio. Es la aclamada autora de x{0026}lt;I Muerto hasta el anochecer,x{0026}lt;/I primer título de la famosa saga vampírica protagonizada por Sookie Stackhouse, que fue adaptada por HBO en la serie de televisión x{0026}lt;I True Blood.x{0026}lt;/I Desde entonces, Harris ha sido publicada en más de veinte países, donde ha vendido varios millones de ejemplares, y ha sido galardonada con numerosos premios, confirmando su éxito como una de las autoras de misterio y fantasía preferidas en todo el mundo.x{0026}lt;/P x{0026}lt;P charlaineharris.comx{0026}lt;/P