

hooks, bell

Editorial Harper Collins USA
Fecha de edición diciembre 2002 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780060938291
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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Resumen del libro

When truth teller and careful writer bell hooks offers a book, I like to be standing at the bookshop when it opens. Maya Angelou

Renowned visionary bell hooks explored the meaning of love in American culture with the critically acclaimed bestseller All About Love: New Visions. She continued her national dialogue with the bestselling Salvation: Black People and Love. Now hooks culminates her triumphant trilogy of love with Communion: The Female Search for Love.

Intimate, revealing, provocative, Communion challenges every woman to courageously claim the search for love as the heroic journey we must all choose to be truly free. In her trademark commanding and lucid language, hooks explores the ways ideas about women and love were changed by the feminist movement, by women's full participation in the workforce, and by the culture of self-help, and reveals how women of all ages can bring love into every aspect of their lives, for all the years of their lives.

Communion is the heart-to-heart talk every woman -- mother, daughter, friend, and lover -- needs to have.

Biografía del autor

bell hooks (Kentucky, 1952-2021) va ser una intel-lectual, feminista, crítica cultural, activista i escriptora afroamericana reconeguda a tot el món. També va ser professora dx{0026} x02019;Estudis Apalatxes a la Universitat de Berea a Kentucky, on el 2014 es va fundar lx{0026} x02019;Institut bell hooks. La seva obra se centra en explorar el racisme, el gènere, la classe i el capitalisme, per tal dx{0026} x02019;identificar la interseccionalitat existent entre aquests aspectes i com es generen i perpetuen els sistemes dx{0026} x02019;opressió. Entre els seus llibres publicats, destaquen Ain't I a Woman, Bone Black o Teaching to Trangress.

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