

Kurlansky, Mark

Editorial Vintage UK
Fecha de edición junio 1999

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780099268703
304 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  15,50 €

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Resumen del libro

The Cod. Wars have been fought over it, revolutions have been triggered by it, national diets have been based on it, economies and livelihoods have depended on it. To the millions it has sustained, it has been a treasure more precious that gold. This book spans 1, 000 years and four continents. From the Vikings to Clarence Birdseye, Mark Kurlansky introduces the explorers, merchants, writers, chefs and fisherman, whose lives habe been interwoven with this prolific fish. He chronicles the cod wars of the 16th and 20th centuries. He blends in recipes and lore from the Middle Ages to the present. In a story that brings world history and human passions into captivating focus, he shows how the most profitable fish in history is today faced with extinction.

Biografía del autor

Mark Kurlansky es un autor best seller del New York Times con más de veintinueve libros publicados y ha trabajado como corresponsal en el extranjero para medios como The International Herald Tribune, The Chicago Tribune, The Miami Herald y The Philadelphia Inquirer. Vive en Nueva York.

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