A Short History of Asia

A Short History of Asia

Mason, Colin

Editorial Palgrave Macmillan
Lugar de edición Portugal
Fecha de edición junio 2014 · Edición nº 4

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781137340603
360 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  31,75 €

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Resumen del libro


List of Maps
1. Introduction
2. Prehistory and the first Indian Civilizations
3. The Development of Indian Culture: Hinduism and Buddhism
4. Early South-East Asia: The Ships from India
5. China: The Eternal Nation
6. Early Japan and the Tang Dynasty in China
7. The Awakening of Europe and the Challenge of Islam
8. Floodtide in China: The Song, Mongol and Ming Dynasties
9. China: Ebb Tide
10. The Three Makers of Japan and the Tokugawa Period
11. The Dominators and the Dominated
12. South-East Asia: The European and Chinese Impacts
13. The Malay World: Majapahit and Malacca
14. Indonesia: The Last Independent Kingdoms and the Extension of Dutch Rule
15. India Under Two Masters: The Grand Moguls and the East India Company
16. Gandhi's India: The Struggle for Liberty
17. The Second World War and the End of Empire
18. South Asia: Freedom and Poverty
19. India
20. Pakistan
21. Bangladesh
22. Afghanistan
23. The Mountain States: Nepal and Bhutan
24. Sri Lanka
25. China: Two Revolutions
26. Modern China: The Communist State
27. Mongolia
28. Indonesia and Timor Leste
29. Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei
30. Japan: The Iron Triangle
31. Thailand: Two Hats The Struggle for Democracy
32. The Philippines: Trouble in Paradise
33. Korea: Divided Nation
34. Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia
35. Burma: Rule By the Gun
36. The Asian Century?
Suggested Further Reading

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