A First Look at Communication Theory

9 Revised edition

A First Look at Communication Theory

Grayson, Glenn
Griffin, Emma
Ledbetter, Andrew M.

Editorial Mc Graw Hill
Fecha de edición marzo 2014 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780073523927
560 páginas

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P.V.P.  251,35 €

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Resumen del libro

The ninth edition of A First Look at Communication Theory justifies again the program's enduring popularity. Em Griffin, now joined by colleagues Andrew Ledbetter and Glenn Sparks, encourages students who are encountering the field for the first time to tackle theories without fear. The authors introduce 32 diverse theories that are a mix of foundational and recent scholarship and, with the benefit of numerous examples and connections to pop culture, help students apply them to their own lives.

This program ensures that students have a solid foundation with which to begin understanding the relationships between theories. Instructors and students can now access their course content through the Connect digital learning platform by purchasing either standalone Connect access or a bundle of print and Connect access. McGraw-Hill Connect[registered] is a subscription-based learning service accessible online through your personal computer or tablet.

Choose this option if your instructor will require Connect to be used in the course. Your subscription to Connect includes the following: SmartBook[registered] - an adaptive digital version of the course textbook that personalizes your reading experience based on how well you are learning the content; access to your instructor's homework assignments, quizzes, syllabus, notes, reminders, and other important files for the course; progress dashboards that quickly show how you are performing on your assignments and tips for improvement; and, the option to purchase (for a small fee) a print version of the book

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