Who's Like Me?

Who's Like Me?

Davies, Nicola

Editorial Walker
Fecha de edición marzo 2012

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781406328127
32 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  8,75 €

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Resumen del libro

Lift the flaps and find out which animals are alike in this fun-filled, stylish biology book. Who's Like Me? is one of the four simple novelty titles in the Uncover and Discover series that explores aspects of animal life for very young children. Who's Like Me? looks at animal classification in an enjoyable and friendly way with strong text from writer and biologist Nicola Davies accompanied by stunning artwork and simple lift-the-flap spreads. This is a fresh, stylish alternative to other books in the genre. Spreads at the back encourage children to revisit what they have learned throughout the book. Other books in this series are: What Will I Be? What Happens Next? and Who Lives Here?

Biografía del autor

Es una autora galardonada por numerosos libros para niños. Se licenció en zoología, ha estudiado las ballenas y los murciélagos, y luego trabajó para la Unidad de Historia Natural de la BBC. Nicola vive en Abergavenny, Gales.

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