What's Left of Me is Yours

What's Left of Me is Yours

Scott, Stephanie

Editorial Orion
Fecha de edición marzo 2021 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781474610896
352 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda
Dimensiones 129 mm x 198 mm

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P.V.P.  6,90 €

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Resumen del libro

In Japan, a covert industry has grown up around the wakaresaseya (literally "breaker-upper"), a person hired by one spouse to seduce the other in order to gain the advantage in divorce proceedings.

When Sato hires Kaitaro, a wakaresaseya agent, to have an affair with his wife, Rina, he assumes it will be an easy case. But Sato has never truly understood Rina or her desires and Kaitaro's job is to do exactly that - until he does it too well. While Rina remains ignorant of the circumstances that brought them together, she and Kaitaro fall in a desperate, singular love, setting in motion a series of violent acts that will forever haunt her daughter Sumiko's life.

Told from alternating points of view and across the breathtaking landscapes of Japan, What's Left of Me Is Yours explores the thorny psychological and moral grounds of the actions we take in the name of love, asking where we draw the line between passion and possession.

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