

Ondaatje, Michael

Editorial Vintage USA
Fecha de edición marzo 2019 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780525566861
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  9,75 €

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Resumen del libro

In a narrative as beguiling and mysterious as memory itself shadowed and luminous at once we read the story of fourteen-year-old Nathaniel and his older sister, Rachel. In 1945, just after World War II, they stay behind in London when their parents move to Singapore, leaving them in the care of a mysterious figure named The Moth. They suspect he might be a criminal, and they grow both more convinced and less concerned as they come to know his eccentric crew of friends: men and women joined by a shared history of unspecified service during the war, all of whom seem, in some way, determined now to protect and educate (in rather unusual ways) Rachel and Nathaniel. But are they really what and who they claim to be? And what does it mean when the siblings' mother returns after months of silence without their father, explaining nothing, excusing nothing? A dozen years later, Nathaniel begins to uncover all that he didn't know and understand in that time, and it is this journey through facts, recollection, and imagination that he narrates in this masterwork from one of the great writers of our time.

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