War : An Enquiry

War : An Enquiry

Grayling, A. C.

Editorial Yale University Press
Fecha de edición mayo 2018 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780300234459
288 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  12,45 €

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Resumen del libro

A renowned philosopher challenges long-held views on just wars, ethical conduct during war, why wars occur, how they alter people and societies, and more For residents of the twenty-first century, a vision of a future without warfare is almost inconceivable. Though wars are terrible and destructive, they also seem unavoidable. In this original and deeply considered book, A.

C. Grayling examines, tests, and challenges the concept of war. He proposes that a deeper, more accurate understanding of war may enable us to reduce its frequency, mitigate its horrors, and lessen the burden of its consequences.

Grayling explores the long, tragic history of war and how warfare has changed in response to technological advances. He probes much-debated theories concerning the causes of war and considers positive changes that may result from war. How might these results be achieved without violence? In a profoundly wise conclusion, the author envisions "just war theory" in new moral terms, taking into account the lessons of World War II and the Holocaust and laying down ethical principles for going to war and for conduct during war.

Biografía del autor

A. C. Grayling es escritor y filósofo. Profesor del Birkbeck College hasta 2011, imparte clases en el New College of the Humanities, la universidad que fundó en 2010, y es miembro del St Annex{0026} x02019;s College. Antiguo columnista en The Guardian y The Times, colabora actualmente en medios como New Statesman, Times Literary Supplement, Literary Review e Index on Censorship. Galardonado con el Forkosch Literary Prize y el Premio Bertrand Russell, es autor de numerosos libros sobre filosofía, historia de las ideas, derechos humanos y ética. Entre sus obras destacan Contra todos los dioses, El buen libro, El poder de las ideas y La era del ingenio, todas publicadas por Ariel.

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