Thinking of Answers

Thinking of Answers

Grayling, A.C.

Editorial Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Fecha de edición abril 2011

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781408809532
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  13,25 €

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Resumen del libro

Thought-provoking short essays by Britain's leading public philosopher that show us how to discover our own answers to life's challenges The essays in this book, drawn mainly from A. C. Grayling's columns in Prospect, the Dubliner and The Times, are in fact responses to questions set by editors and readers As in his previous books of popular philosophy, including the best-selling The Reason of Things and The Meaning of Things, rather than presenting a set of categorical answers Grayling offers instead suggestions for how to think about every aspect of a question, and arrive at one's own conclusions. As a result Thinking of Answers is both an enjoyable and inspirational collection

Biografía del autor

Anthony C. Grayling es profesor de filosofía en Birkbeck College, Universidad de Londres. Filósofo comprometido y comunicador excelente, Grayling, escribe regularmente en The Guardian, Literary Review, Financial Times, The Economist, The Times Literary Supplement, The Independent y New Statesman.Ha sido secretario honorario de la principal Asociaciónfilosófica británica, The Aristotelian Society. Es miembro de la Royal Society of Literature y de la Royal Society of Arts. Entre sus libros podemos destacar Among Dead Cities, The Choice of Hercules, Against All Gods, and Truth, Meaning and Realism.

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