The Train to Impossible Places

The Train to Impossible Places

Bell, P.G.

Editorial Usborne
Fecha de edición octubre 2018 · Edición nº 1

Idioma español
Ilustrador Sorrentino, Flavia

EAN 9781474948616
368 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa dura

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P.V.P.  13,50 €

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Resumen del libro

Join the journey to Impossible Places, where there's magic at every stop... Suzy is surprised to find a grumpy troll building a railway through her house - especially when a gigantic steam train crashes into her hallway! This is the Impossible Postal Express, the trusty delivery service of the Union of Impossible Places, and Suzy becomes its newest recruit. And with her cursed first package, an Impossible adventure begins.

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