Editorial Walker
Fecha de edición noviembre 2021 · Edición nº 1
Idioma inglés
EAN 9781406394535
40 páginas
encuadernado en tapa blanda
Dimensiones 288 mm x 248 mm
Sometimes being small means you can be the biggest hero of all!Jamie and Abby are camping with Dad and they tell a bedtime story together. This story will star their favourites: a prince, a witch, a thief and some bears. "And the frog!" says Abby.
This time there's a terrible giant who's stolen all the keys to the kingdom. No one can get into their homes! No one can start their horses! It's a real mess. Our heroes must sneak into the giant's castle and retrieve the keys.
But when it comes to the crunch, only a tiny froggy hero, who's also a NINJA, can defeat the mighty giant!A story within a story that celebrates family time together.
Aparte de ser autor de libros infantiles, el escocés Alastair Chisholm realiza talleres de escritura en las aulas, escribe aventuras de ciencia ficción y crea puzles, sudokus, kakuros y todo tipo de acertijos.