The Snowman

The Snowman

Briggs, Raymond

Editorial Penguin Books Ltd
Fecha de edición octubre 2022 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780241597804
32 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda
Dimensiones 284 mm x 232 mm

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P.V.P.  12,00 €

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Resumen del libro

Based on the much-loved film, fly away on a magical journey to the enchanting land of the Snowman - now celebrating its 40th anniversary!After the snow settles on a cold winter's day, a little boy builds a Snowman. Later that night, under the glittering stars, the Snowman comes to life!Together they fly through the night sky on a breathtaking and magical journey, until the sun comes up and it's time to go home... This edition of the classic tale from Raymond Briggs features stunningly rendered new artwork based on the 1982 film, alongside beautifully written story narration.

The Snowman is the perfect festive read for ALL the family! For little ones: The Snowman board book For younger children: The Snowman classic wordless picture book with no words For readers aged 7+: The Snowman - re-imagined by Michael Morpurgo

Biografía del autor

Raymond Briggs (Inglaterra, 1934-2022) Nació cerca de Londres. Cuando tenía 15 años entró en la Wimblendon School of Arts, donde estudió pintura durante cuatro años. A partir de 1957, trabajó como autor e ilustrador, y ganó numerosos premios.

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