Editorial Puffin
Lugar de edición
Londres, Gran Bretaña
Fecha de edición septiembre 2014 · Edición nº 1
Idioma inglés
EAN 9780141356372
14 páginas
encuadernado en tapa dura
This is a beautiful gift book featuring original artwork from Raymond Briggs' The Snowman. A boy built a Snowman and the Snowman came to life...This pull-out pop-up book is the perfect gift for fans of The Snowman, young and old and features the beautiful artwork from Raymond Briggs' classic picture book. Raymond Briggs is one of our most respected and beloved artists.
Born in Wimbledon in 1934, he studied at the Slade School of Fine Art and went on to produce a treasure trove of work. He has created characters that are now icons for generations of children, including Fungus the Bogeyman, Father Christmas and, of course, the beloved Snowman. His original Mother Goose was published in 1966, it won the prestigious Kate Greenaway Award in 1967 and is now back in print over 40 years later.
Raymond Briggs (Inglaterra, 1934-2022) Nació cerca de Londres. Cuando tenía 15 años entró en la Wimblendon School of Arts, donde estudió pintura durante cuatro años. A partir de 1957, trabajó como autor e ilustrador, y ganó numerosos premios.