The Psychobiotic Revolution

The Psychobiotic Revolution

Anderson, C. Scott

Editorial National Geographic Society
Fecha de edición noviembre 2017 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781426218460
304 páginas
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Resumen del libro

Written by the leading researchers in the field, this information-rich guide to improving your mood explains how gut health drives psychological well-being, and how depression and anxiety can be relieved by adjusting your intestinal bacteria. This groundbreaking book explains the revolutionary new science of psychobiotics and the discovery that your brain health and state of mind are intimately connected to your microbiome, that four-pound population of microbes living inside your intestines. Leading medical researchers John F.

Cryan and Ted Dinan, working with veteran journalist Scott C. Anderson, explain how common mental health problems, particularly depression and anxiety, can be improved by caring for the intestinal microbiome. Science is proving that a healthy gut means a healthy mind -- and this book details the steps you can take to change your mood and improve your life by nurturing your microbiome.

* HOT NEW FIELD OF MEDICINE, anchored in results of 115-million study from the National Institute of Health, propagating new research all the time, covered in media constantly. * AUTHORS ARE WORLD LEADERS IN THE FIELD who coined the phrase "psychobiotics." Each have had 10,000 scholarly citations since 2010; Thomson Reuters named Cryan one of "the world's most influential scientific minds" in 2014. * CONTROVERSIAL, NEWSWORTHY IMPLICATIONS about antidepressants, antibiotics, anxiety, obesity, autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other prevalent ailments and treatments.

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