His name is etched on the door of his Manhattan office: LEONID McGILL, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR. Itas a name that takes a little explaining, but heas used to it. aDaddy was a communist and great-great- Granddaddy was a slave master from Scotland. You know, the black manas family tree is mostly root. Whatever you see aboveground is only a hint at the real story.a
Ex-boxer, hard drinker, in a business that trades mostly in cash and favors: McGillas an old-school P.I. working a city thatas gotten fancy all around him. Fancy or not, he has always managed to get byakeep a roof over the head of his wife and kids, and still manage a little fun on the sideamostly because heas never been above taking a shady job for a quick buck. But like the city itself, McGill is turning over a new leaf, adecided to go from crooked to slightly bent.a
New York City in the twenty-first century is a city full of secretsaand still a place that reacts when you know where to poke and which string to pull. Thatas exactly the kind of thing Leonid McGill knows how to do. As soon as "The Long Fall" begins, with McGill calling in old markers and greasing NYPD palms to unearth some seemingly harmless information for a high-paying client, he learns that even in this cleaned-up city, his commitment to the straight and narrow is going to be constantly tested.
x{0026}lt;p WALTER MOSLEY (Los Ángeles, 1952). Autor estadounidense mundialmente conocido por sus novelas policiacas, aunque también ha cultivado otros géneros, como la ciencia ficción, el relato erótico o el ensayo. Sus grandes dotes como narrador y su capacidad para plantear nuevas perspectivas dentro del género criminal clásico han desembocado en diversas series novelísticas, la más famosa de las cuales es la protagonizada por el atípico investigador Easy Rawlins, inaugurada con x{0026}lt;i El demonio vestido de azulx{0026}lt;/i .x{0026}lt;/p Desde la publicación de sus primeras novelas, Mosley ha sido aplaudido en todo el mundo y ha obtenido numerosos reconocimientos, entre los que destacan el Grand Master concedido en 2016 por la Mystery Writers of America y los dos galardones conseguidos por x{0026}lt;i Traiciónx{0026}lt;/i : el Premio RBA de Novela Policiaca de 2018 y el Edgar Award de 2019 a la mejor novela.