The Heroin Diaries : A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star

The Heroin Diaries : A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star

Sixx, Nikki

Editorial Simon x{0026} Schuster Ltd
Fecha de edición octubre 2017 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781471171239
512 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  20,30 €

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Resumen del libro

10th anniversary edition with exclusive new content. Set against the frenzied world of heavy metal superstardom, the co-founder of legendary Motley Crue offers an unflinching and gripping look at his own descent into drug addiction. When Motley Crue were at the height of their fame, there wasn't a drug Nikki Sixx wouldn't do.

He spent days - sometimes alone, sometimes with others addicts, friends and lovers - in a coke- and heroin-fuelled daze. THE HEROIN DIARIES reveals Nikki's personal diary entries alongside commentary from the people who know Nikki best including band mates Tommy, Vince and Mick. The book is a candid look at a nightmare come true: a punishing heroin addiction that brought Nikki to the edge of losing his talent, his career, his family and finally to a near-fatal overdose which left him clinically dead for a few minutes before being revived.

Brutally honest, utterly riveting and shockingly moving, THE HEROIN DIARIES follows Nikki during the year he plunged to rock bottom and his courageous decision to pick himself up and start living again.'Harrowing ... required reading' Rolling Stone'Heartbreaking ... The Heroin Diaries presents a new model for the rock bio' The New York Times'A modern-day opera based on his time in hell' New York Post'Addictive reading' Kerrang'Lurid' Harp

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