Editorial Bloomsbury USA
Fecha de edición marzo 2013
Idioma inglés
EAN 9780802778376
608 páginas
encuadernado en tapa blanda
Drawing on the wisdom of 2,500 years of contemplative non-religious writing on all that it means to be human from the origins of the universe to small matters of courtesy and kindness in everyday life A. C. Grayling, Britain's most popular and widely read philosopher, has created a secular bible.
Designed to be read as narrative and also to be dipped into for inspiration, encouragement and consolation, The Good Book offers a thoughtful, non-religious alternative to the many people who do not follow one of the world's great religions. Instead, going back to traditions older than Christianity, and far richer and more various, including the non-theistic philosophical and literary schools of the great civilisations of both West and East, from the Greek philosophy of classical antiquity and its contemporaneous Confucian, Mencian and Mohist schools in China, down through classical Rome, the flourishing of Indian and Arab worlds, the European Renaissance and Enlightenment, the worldwide scientific discoveries of the 19th and 20th centuries to the present, Grayling collects, edits, rearranges and organises the collective secular wisdom of the world in one highly readable volume.
The Lawgiver
The Good
Anthony C. Grayling es profesor de filosofía en Birkbeck College, Universidad de Londres. Filósofo comprometido y comunicador excelente, Grayling, escribe regularmente en The Guardian, Literary Review, Financial Times, The Economist, The Times Literary Supplement, The Independent y New Statesman.Ha sido secretario honorario de la principal Asociaciónfilosófica británica, The Aristotelian Society. Es miembro de la Royal Society of Literature y de la Royal Society of Arts. Entre sus libros podemos destacar Among Dead Cities, The Choice of Hercules, Against All Gods, and Truth, Meaning and Realism.