The Gifts That Bind Us

The Gifts That Bind Us

O'Donoghue, Caroline

Editorial Walker
Fecha de edición febrero 2022 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781406393101
416 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda
Dimensiones 129 mm x 199 mm

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P.V.P.  11,75 €

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Resumen del libro

A spellbinding supernatural teen drama - and sequel to All Our Hidden Gifts. Maeve and her friends have revealed their powers and banded together as a coven: Roe can pick locks, Lily sends sparks flying, Maeve can read minds and Fiona can heal any injury. And even better than their newfound talents? Roe and Maeve are officially an item.

But with strange things happening at school, and old enemies appearing in new places, it soon becomes clear their powers are attracting all the wrong attention. It's not long before Maeve's gift start to wane, drained by someone - or something - that's hiding even from her second sight... The brilliant second installment in the Hidden Gifts series, with further titles to come.

Praise for All Our Hidden Gifts"So gripping, so intriguing, so layered - All Our Hidden Gifts feels like a book that should have always existed." - Kiran Millwood Hargrave"A seductive and brilliant book. Fiercely, furiously good." - Melinda Salisbury"The most authentic teenage voice I've read in ages... I was utterly bewitched." - Holly Bourne

Biografía del autor

p b Caroline O'Donoghue /b (Cork, Irlanda) es una escritora irlandesa. Es autora de i Promising Young Women /i (2018), i Scenes of a Graphic Nature /i (2020) y de la exitosa trilogía juvenil i Nuestros poderes ocultos /i (2021). Su última novela, i El factor Rachel /i (2023; Libros del Asteroide, 2024), se ha convertido en un fenómeno editorial traducido a numerosas lenguas. Ha escrito para i The Times /i y i The Guardian /i y presenta el aclamado pódcast i Sentimental Garbage /i . Actualmente vive en Londres.<br>

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