The Ghost of Thomas Kempe

The Ghost of Thomas Kempe

Lively, Penelope

Editorial Egmont
Fecha de edición marzo 2018

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781405288743
256 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  9,45 €

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Resumen del libro

James is fed up. His family has moved to a new cottage - with grounds that are great for excavations, and trees that are perfect for climbing - and stuff is happening. Stuff that is normally the kind of thing he does. And he's getting blamed for it. But it's not him who's writing strange things on shopping lists and fences. It's not him who smashes bottles and pours tea in the Vicar's lap. It's a ghost - honestly. Thomas Kempe the apothecary has returned and he wants James to be his apprentice. No one else believes in ghosts. It's up to James to get rid of him. Or he'll have no pocket money or pudding ever again.

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