The Choice of Hercules

The Choice of Hercules

Grayling, A.C.

Editorial Orion
Fecha de edición noviembre 2008

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780753824436
192 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  15,15 €

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Resumen del libro

Duty or Pleasure? This was the legendary choice which faced Hercules and which pre-eminent philosopher AC Grayling uses as the starting point of this masterful book.

He shows us how much more people can understand about themselves and their world by reflecting on today's moral challenges. Above all, he explores the idea that certain demands and certain pleasures are necessary, not just because of their intrinsic merits but because of what they do for each other.

The Good Life or the good life? With exceptional clarity and unrivalled prose, Grayling addresses the everyday ethical choices which confront us all.

Biografía del autor

Anthony C. Grayling es profesor de filosofía en Birkbeck College, Universidad de Londres. Filósofo comprometido y comunicador excelente, Grayling, escribe regularmente en The Guardian, Literary Review, Financial Times, The Economist, The Times Literary Supplement, The Independent y New Statesman.Ha sido secretario honorario de la principal Asociaciónfilosófica británica, The Aristotelian Society. Es miembro de la Royal Society of Literature y de la Royal Society of Arts. Entre sus libros podemos destacar Among Dead Cities, The Choice of Hercules, Against All Gods, and Truth, Meaning and Realism.

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