Stunning Photographs

Stunning Photographs

National Geographic

Editorial National Geographic Society
Fecha de edición octubre 2014 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781426213922
404 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa dura

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P.V.P.  42,50 €

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Resumen del libro

The 2014 offering in National Geographic's iconic line of large-format photo books immortalises the richness of life, using evocative images that magnify the beauty, emotion and depth that can be captured in the split second of a camera flash. This elegant book will illuminate the power of photography to witness, reveal, persuade, celebrate, explore and change the way we see the world; capturing the eye-popping photography from around the world, nature and culture that National Geographic is known for. From the moment of electric energy in which a firecracker explodes to the bliss of the sun's last rays stretching across a red-rock valley, certain special photos offer a conduit to the world around us.

Shot by National Geographic's most renowned photographers and interspersed with inspiring quotations, Simply Stunning Photographs is a vibrant tapestry of images that will showcase the medium's ability to reveal extraordinary moments of serendipity and discovery, curiosity and tranquillity, energy and joy. Definitive, striking, and unposed, the remarkable pictures in this book will appeal to all who want to sample the smorgasbord of colours, textures, and sensations that comprise the fabric of everyday life.

Biografía del autor

NEIL KAGAN es editor y dirige la empresa Kagan x{0026}lt;( x{0026}amp;x{0026}lt;) Associates, especializada en el diseño y la elaboración de libros ilustrados. Ha creado numerosas colecciones centradas en la historia estadounidense de reconocida fama.

Pasajes Libros SL ha recibido de la Comunidad de Madrid la ayuda destinada a prestar apoyo económico a las pequeñas y medianas empresas madrileñas afectadas por el COVID-19

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