

Smith, Ali

Editorial Penguin Books Ltd
Fecha de edición marzo 2020 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780241973356
352 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda
Dimensiones 130 mm x 196 mm

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P.V.P.  13,95 €

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Resumen del libro

What unites Katherine Mansfield, Charlie Chaplin, Shakespeare, Rilke, Beethoven, Brexit, the present, the past, the north, the south, the east, the west, a man mourning lost times, a woman trapped in modern times?Spring. The great connective. With an eye to the migrancy of story over time, and riffing on Pericles, one of Shakespeare's most resistant and rollicking works, Ali Smith tells the impossible tale of an impossible time.

In a time of walls and lockdown Smith opens the door. The time we're living in is changing nature. Will it change the nature of story?Hope springs eternal.

Praise for the Seasonal Quartet:'Transcendental writing about art, death, political lies, and all the dimensions of love. It's a case not so much of reading between the lines as of being blinded by the light between the lines - in a good way' Deborah Levy on Autumn'The novel of the year is obviously Autumn, which managed the miracle of making at least a kind of sense out of post-Brexit Britain' Olivia Laing, Observer on Autumn'Ali Smith is flat-out brilliant, and she's on fire these days... Combining brainy playfulness with depth, topicality with timelessness, and complexity with accessibility while delivering an impassioned defence of human decency and art' NPR on Winter'Rank s among the most original, consoling and inspiring of the artistic responses to 'this mad and bitter mess' of the present' Financial Times on Winter'A novel of great ferocity, tenderness and generosity of spirit that you feel Dickens would have recognised...

Smith is engaged in an extended process of mythologizing the present states of Britain... Luminously beautiful' Observer on Winter

Biografía del autor

Ali Smith (Inverness, 1964). Tuvo una madre irlandesa, un padre inglés y una educación escocesa (hasta que comenzó su doctorado en Newnham College, Cambridge). A los veinte años, después de que un debilitante ataque de síndrome de fatiga crónica descarriló su carrera académica, comenzó a escribir. Ahora, autora de ocho novelas y seis colecciones de cuentos, crea lo que podría llamarse ficción experimental, pero con un estilo fácil, agradable y de emocionante lectura. Escribe en The Guardian, The Scotsman y el Times Library Supplement. Actualmente vive en Cambridge. Es la autora de Free Love, Like, Other Stories and Other Stories, Hotel World y el Cuarteto estacional

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