Solomon and Mortimer

Solomon and Mortimer

Rayner, Catherine

Editorial Pan
Fecha de edición enero 2017 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781509830459
32 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  10,50 €

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Resumen del libro

Solomon Crocodile and his friend Mortimer are bored. They want to find some fun, but what can they do? Tree-climbing is tricky, chasing lizards doesn't end well and flying turns out to be a lot harder than it looks. But then they spot the biggest hippo in the river.

Just imagine the splash he'd make if two naughty crocodiles were to surprise him! But Solomon and Mortimer are about to get a whole lot more than they bargained for ...Sure to delight fans of the original Solomon Crocodile, which has sold over 100,000 copies worldwide, Solomon and Mortimer is a warm, funny and charming tale from the Kate Greenaway Medal winning Catherine Rayner, which young children will ask for again and again.

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