Out of the Frame

Out of the Frame

Pappe, Ilan

Editorial Pluto Press
Fecha de edición febrero 2011

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780745327259

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P.V.P.  19,50 €

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Resumen del libro

Even before he wrote his bestselling book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, historian Ilan Pappe was a controversial figure in Israel. In Out of the Frame, he gives a full account of his break with mainstream Israeli scholarship and its consequences. Growing up in a conventional Israeli community influenced by the utopian visions of Theodor Herzl, Pappe was barely aware of the Nakbah in his high school years.

Here he traces his journey of discovery from the whispers of Palestinian classmates to his realisation that the 'enemy's' narrative of the events of 1948 was correct. After completing his thesis at Oxford University based on recently declassified documents in the early 1980s, he returned to Palestine determined to protect the memory of the Nakbah and struggle for the rectification of its evils. For the first time he gives the details of the formidable opposition he faced in Israel, including death threats fed by the media, denunciations by the Knesset and calls for him to be sacked from his post at Haifa university.

This revealing work, written with dignity and humour, highlights Israel's difficulty in facing up to its past and forging a peaceful, inclusive future in Palestine.

Biografía del autor

Ilan Pappé es historiador y conferenciante de Ciencia Política en la Universidad de Haifa. Es también Director Académico del Instituto de Investigación para la Paz en Givat Haviva. Es autor de numerosos libros, entre los cuales se incluyen The Israel/Palestine Question (2003), The Modern Middle East (2005), A History of Modern Palestine (2006) o Historia de la Palestina moderna: un territorio, dos pueblos (2007).

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