One World

24 Hours on Planet Earth

One World

Davies, Nicola

Editorial Walker
Fecha de edición abril 2023 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés
Ilustrador Desmond, Jenni

EAN 9781529513325
40 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda
Dimensiones 250 mm x 290 mm

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P.V.P.  12,00 €

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Resumen del libro

Nicola Davies and Jenni Desmond's first collaboration: a spectacular tour of Planet Earth and a powerful rallying cry. Where on Earth are you, right now? It's late where I am and almost everyone's asleep, but I'm awake, looking out into the night. Wondering...

As the clock strikes midnight, a little girl and her sister visit animals of every shape and size, all around the world - discovering that, in some places, creatures have just started their day, where in others they're already busy hunting for food. Turning the popular concept of time-zones on its head and combining it with a powerful climate message and delightful illustrations, this book is narrative non-fiction at its most spellbinding.

Biografía del autor

Es una autora galardonada por numerosos libros para niños. Se licenció en zoología, ha estudiado las ballenas y los murciélagos, y luego trabajó para la Unidad de Historia Natural de la BBC. Nicola vive en Abergavenny, Gales.

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