Lake Success

Lake Success

Shteyngart, Gary

Editorial Random House USA
Fecha de edición septiembre 2018 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780525511724
352 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  16,85 €

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Resumen del libro

When his dream of the perfect marriage, the perfect son, and the perfect life implodes, a self-made Wall Street millionaire takes a cross-country bus trip in search of his college sweetheart and ideals of youth in the long awaited novel, his first in seven years, from the acclaimed, bestselling author of Super Sad True Love Story.

In this biting, emotionally resonant novel very much of our times, two imperfect, brilliantly realized characters navigate the Shteyngartian chaos of their own making. Myopic, narcissistic, hilariously self-deluded and divorced from the real world as most of us know it, hedge fund manager Barry Cohen oversees 2.4 billion in assets. Deeply stressed by an SEC investigation and by his 3-year-old son's diagnosis of autism, he flees New York on a Greyhound bus in search of a simpler, more romantic life with his old college sweetheart. Meanwhile, his super-smart wife Seema a driven first-generation American who craved the picture-perfect life that comes with wealth has her own demons to face.

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