Known to Evil

Known to Evil

Mosley, Walter

Editorial Phoenix
Fecha de edición marzo 2011

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780753828052
336 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  8,43 €

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Resumen del libro

A mystery caller sends Leonid McGill to an uptown address 'just to check a girl's okay'. There's no explanation - just a name - Angelique - a reward, and the chilling knowledge that he's working for Rinaldo Alphonse, the most feared man in New York. What LT finds is a crime scene. A girl lies with her face blown off, her assassin felled by a knife. But the dead girl isn't the one LT was sent to find, and her killer's injuries don't make sense. The next day Alphonse comes calling: LT must find Angelique before the assassin's assassin tracks her down. Alphonse isn't the only one who wants a bit of LT's time - the NYPD, finding his appearance too convenient, think they can finally put away the thorn in their side. But why do so many people want a piece of the apparently normal, clean-living Angelique? And why is the mafia coming after McGill, linking his sons - shy Dmitri and streetwise Twill - to the escape of a sex trafficked Belarussian girl? As both plots career towards a thrilling finale, McGill must put his street know-how and book of lethal contacts to the test, while haunted by the re-appearance of a face from his crooked past and his wife Katrina's continued infidelities.

Biografía del autor

x{0026}lt;p WALTER MOSLEY (Los Ángeles, 1952). Autor estadounidense mundialmente conocido por sus novelas policiacas, aunque también ha cultivado otros géneros, como la ciencia ficción, el relato erótico o el ensayo. Sus grandes dotes como narrador y su capacidad para plantear nuevas perspectivas dentro del género criminal clásico han desembocado en diversas series novelísticas, la más famosa de las cuales es la protagonizada por el atípico investigador Easy Rawlins, inaugurada con x{0026}lt;i El demonio vestido de azulx{0026}lt;/i .x{0026}lt;/p Desde la publicación de sus primeras novelas, Mosley ha sido aplaudido en todo el mundo y ha obtenido numerosos reconocimientos, entre los que destacan el Grand Master concedido en 2016 por la Mystery Writers of America y los dos galardones conseguidos por x{0026}lt;i Traiciónx{0026}lt;/i : el Premio RBA de Novela Policiaca de 2018 y el Edgar Award de 2019 a la mejor novela.

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