Just Ducks

Just Ducks

Davies, Nicola

Editorial Walker
Fecha de edición marzo 2012

Idioma inglés
Ilustrador Rubbino, Salvatore

EAN 9781406327397
32 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa dura

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P.V.P.  17,50 €

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Resumen del libro

From spring right through to winter...there they are! Down on the river! Quack quuuack, Quack-quaack-quack...What do you know about ducks? I bet you know that they quack...a lot! Well, discover much more in this book that's all about, well, just ducks! Learn all about which is a boy duck and which is a girl, why some quack louder and others softer. Find out what they eat when it is cold outside and where they perch their bottoms to sleep! Part of the Nature Storybooks series, this new title about ducks is a perfect first reference book for little children! Salvatore Rubbino places his ducks against a sumptuous watercolour setting and his illustrations perfectly capture their wit, playfulness and movement. As always, Nicola Davies blends together non-fiction facts and a lyrical narrative together to create a fantastic picture book story.

Biografía del autor

Es una autora galardonada por numerosos libros para niños. Se licenció en zoología, ha estudiado las ballenas y los murciélagos, y luego trabajó para la Unidad de Historia Natural de la BBC. Nicola vive en Abergavenny, Gales.

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