In My Mind's Eye : A Thought Diary

In My Mind's Eye : A Thought Diary

Morris, Jan

Editorial Faber
Fecha de edición septiembre 2018 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780571340910
336 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa dura

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P.V.P.  17,25 €

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Resumen del libro

'I have never before in my life kept a diary of my thoughts, and here at the start of my ninth decade, having for the moment nothing much else to write, I am having a go at it. Good luck to me.'So begins this extraordinary book, a collection of diary pieces that Jan Morris wrote for the Financial Times over the course of 2017. A former soldier and journalist, and one of the great chroniclers of the world for over half a century, she writes here in her characteristically intimate voice - funny, perceptive, wise, touching, wicked, scabrous, and above all, kind - about her thoughts on the world, and her own place in it as she turns ninety.

From cats to cars, travel to home, music to writing, it's a cornucopia of delights from a unique literary figure.

Biografía del autor

Jan Morris (1926-2020), periodista, escritora, historiadora y viajera empedernida, vivió toda su vida en Gales entre las montañas y el mar. Con sus libros de viajes se granjeó un gran reconocimiento internacional y el respeto de todos aquellos viajeros que, como ella, entienden el viaje como un camino de conocimiento y descubrimiento de uno mismo.

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