Guns for the Sultan

Guns for the Sultan

Agoston, Gabor

Editorial Cambridge University Press (UK)
Fecha de edición diciembre 2008 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780521603911
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  39,00 €

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Resumen del libro

Gabor Agoston's book contributes to an emerging strand of military history, that examines organised violence as a challenge to early modern states, their societies and economies. His is the first to examine the weapons technology and armaments industries of the Ottoman Empire, the only Islamic empire that threatened Europe on its own territory in the age of the Gunpowder Revolution. Based on extensive research in the Turkish archives, the book affords much insight regarding the early success and subsequent failure of an Islamic empire against European adversaries.

It demonstrates Ottoman flexibility and the existence of an early modern arms market and information exchange across the cultural divide, as well as Ottoman self-sufficiency in weapons and arms production well into the eighteenth century. Challenging the sweeping statements of Eurocentric and Orientalist scholarship, the book disputes the notion of Islamic conservatism, the Ottomans' supposed technological inferiority and the alleged insufficiencies in production capacity. This is a provocative, intelligent and penetrating analysis, which successfully contends traditional perceptions of Ottoman and Islamic history.

Biografía del autor

x{0026}lt;p x{0026}lt;b Gábor Ágostonx{0026}lt;/b nació en Hungría, en la gran llanura húngara, región antaño habitada por los turcos cumanod, y estudió Historia y Turco en la Universidad de Budapest (ELTE). Ha impartido clases sobre la historia del Imperio otomano, Oriente Próximo y las relaciones entre los otomanos y los Habsburgo en la Universidad de Budapest y en la Universidad de Georgetown. Ha sido profesor visitante en la Universidad de Viena, el Centro McGhee de Georgetown para Estudios del Mediterráneo Oriental (Turquía) y la Universidad de Georgetown-Catar. Desde mediados de la década de 1980, vuelve regularmente a los archivos otomanos de Estambul, su ciudad favorita.x{0026}lt;/p

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