

Barnett, Laura

Editorial Orion
Fecha de edición noviembre 2022 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781474624404
224 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda
Dimensiones 129 mm x 198 mm

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P.V.P.  13,25 €

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Resumen del libro

Warm and uplifting storytelling: a delightful treat'Clare Chambers, author of Small Pleasures'If you're not in the Yuletide mood yet, you will be after this'Telegraph'An ode to the strange and wonderful time that is Christmas'Stylist'A novel that's sure to warm the heart of any Scrooge'Radio Times'Tender and moving, Gifts is infused with Christmas magic - that bittersweet mix of joy, yearning, sadness and hope that accompanies the festive season'Daily Mirror'A gorgeous festive tale... Beautifully written and highly emotionally intelligent'Daily Mail'I loved The Versions Of Us by Laura Barnett and her new novel is just as wonderful... The ideal warm, bittersweet read to get you in the festive spirit'Good Housekeeping'Full of warmth, poignancy and a huge dose of Christmas spirit'RedTwelve peopleTwelve giftsOne Christmas to rememberMaddy runs the bookshop on Market Square.

She's struggling to choose a gift (a watch? a wine subscription? a weekend bag? all too much?) for her old school friend Peter, who's just moved back from London following a messy divorce. Peter doesn't have a clue what to get for his teenage daughter Chloe - furious with her mother, she's decided to up sticks and move to Kent with him, but he worries that he really doesn't know her at all. Chloe wants to buy something special for her grandmother Irene, who lives alone on the other side of town.

Irene doesn't get out much these days, but she'd really like to find the right gift for Alina, who's so much more than a carer, really - always stops to chat for a bit, have a cup of tea, even if it makes her late. And Alina, meanwhile, has her eye on something for... From the no.

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