Five Go Gluten-Free

Five Go Gluten-Free

Blyton, Enid

Editorial Quercus Publishing
Fecha de edición noviembre 2016 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781786482228
112 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa dura

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P.V.P.  11,95 €

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Resumen del libro

Enid Blyton's books are beloved the world over and The Famous Five have been the perennial favourite of her fans. Now, in this new series of Enid Blyton for Grown-Ups, George, Dick, Anne, Julian and Timmy confront a new challenge: is it possible to get a good gluten-free cream tea? Julian, Anne, Dick, George and Timmy are all feeling really rather rum, and it's been going on for days. Nothing seems to work, and with their doctors mystified, they're driven to trying out various expedients to cure themselves. Julian goes online to self-diagnose that he's got pancreatic cancer, bird flu and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. Anne decides that the old methods are the best and decides to have herself exorcised - which proves to be an awful lot of bother for everyone, and such a mess. Dick goes to a witch-doctor who calls himself a 'homeopath' ('sounds only one short of sociopath, Dick!') but it's George who discovers they need to go on an exclusion diet, so they enter a world of hard-to-find, maddeningly expensive specialist foods ...Just perfect for anyone who likes Deliciously Ella, Amelia Freer and the Naturalista - as well as any reluctant partners who are begrudgingly spiralising courgettes for dinner.

Biografía del autor

Enid Blyton nació en Londres en 1897 y vivió la mayor parte de su vida en Buckinghamshire. Adoraba a los perros, la jardinería y el campo. Es una de las autoras de literatura infantil y juvenil más populares del siglo XX. Sus novelas han sido traducidas a casi un centenar de idiomas y han vendido cerca de quinientos millones de ejemplares en todo el mundo. Varias generaciones de niños han crecido y disfrutado con sus obras. Bruño ha publicado, además de este libro, el recopilatorio Cuentos cortos de Enid Blyton y la Serie Enigmas.

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