Fathers and Sons

Fathers and Sons

Turguénev, Iván S.

Editorial Penguin Books Ltd
Fecha de edición mayo 2016 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780241261972
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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Resumen del libro

Aristocracy, liberalism, progress, principles...useless words! A Russian doesn't need them' Returning home after years away at university, Arkady is proud to introduce his clever friend Bazarov to his father and uncle. But their guest soon stirs up unrest on the quiet country estate - his outspoken nihilist views and his scathing criticisms of the older men expose the growing distance between Arkady and his father. And when Bazarov visits his own doting but old-fashioned parents, his disdainful rejection of traditional Russian life causes even further distress.

In Fathers and Sons, Turgeneve created a beautifully-drawn and highly influential portrayal of the clash between generations, at a time just before the end of serfdom, when the refined yet vanishing landowning class was being overturned by a brash new breed that strove to change the world. A new series of twenty distinctive, unforgettable Penguin Classics in a beautiful new design and pocket-sized format, with coloured jackets echoing Penguin's original covers.

Biografía del autor

Iván Turguénev (Oriol, Rusia, 1818 -Bougival, Francia, 1883) Escritor ruso. Perteneciente a una familia noble rural, pasó su infancia en la hacienda materna hasta que se trasladó a Berlín para seguir estudios superiores, momento en el que entró en contacto con la filosofía hegeliana. De vuelta a su país, inició su carrera literaria con relatos que se inscriben dentro de la estética posromántica del momento (años treinta), mientras trabajaba como funcionario público, cargo que abandonó en 1843 por un gran amor, Pauline Viardot, cantante rusa constantemente en gira, con la que Turguénev mantuvo

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