Editorial Gerald Duckworth
Fecha de edición julio 2019 · Edición nº 1
Idioma inglés
EAN 9780715653708
320 páginas
encuadernado en tapa blanda
A fascinating journey through the atmosphere that will leave readers breathless. We breathe in and out every few seconds. But what's really in the air all around us? From the atmosphere on distant planets to the stuff that gets into our lungs, from holes in the ozone layer to lazy and disappearing gases, air quality specialist and full-time breather Dr Mark Broomfield is here to join up the particles and tell us everything we need to know about every breath we take.
With seven million early deaths a year linked to air pollution, air quality is headline news around the world. But how do we measure air pollution and what on earth is an odour panel? Why are property prices higher upwind of cities? Should you buy, hold on to, or avoid a diesel car? And will our grandchildren inherit an atmosphere worth breathing? Every Breath You Take combines scientific evidence with Mark's personal stories and advice on what you can do to improve air quality, giving us the low-down on what's up high.
p MARK BROOMFIELD es doctor en Química de la Atmósfera por la Universidad de York. A través de sus estudios sobre la calidad del aire, se dedica a medir la polución en todo el mundo, a pronosticar los problemas que afectarán en un futuro a nuestra atmósfera y a investigar qué podemos hacer para mitigarlos. Trabaja como consultor para numerosas empresas y organismos, y aporta su experiencia en la Agencia del Medio Ambiente del Reino Unido.<br>