Editorial Verso Books
Fecha de edición mayo 2021 · Edición nº 1
Idioma inglés
EAN 9781788736329
224 páginas
encuadernado en tapa blanda
Dimensiones 129 mm x 198 mm
The world is out of joint, so much so that disobeying should be an urgent act for everyone. In this provocative essay, Frederic Gros explores the roots of political obedience, social conformity, economic subjection, respect for authorities, constitutional consensus. Examining the various styles of obedience provides tools to study, invent and induce new forms of civic disobedience and lyrical protest.
Nothing can be taken for granted: neither supposed certainties nor social conventions, economic injustice or moral conviction. Thinking philosophically requires us to never accept truths and generalities that seem obvious-it restores a sense of political responsibility. At a time when the decisions of experts are presented as the result of icy statistics and anonymous calculations, disobeying becomes an assertion of humanity.
To philosophise is to disobey. This book is a call for critical democracy and ethical resistance.
x{0026}lt;P x{0026}lt;B Frédéric Grosx{0026}lt;/B es profesor de filosofía en la Universidad Paris-XII. Ha trabajado ampliamente en la historia de la psiquiatría (x{0026}lt;I Création et foliex{0026}lt;/I , PUF), la filosofía de la pena (x{0026}lt;I Et ce sera justicex{0026}lt;/I , Odile Jacob) y el pensamiento occidental de la guerra (x{0026}lt;I Etats de violencex{0026}lt;/I , Gallimard). Fue también el editor de las últimas lecciones de Foucault en el Collège de France.x{0026}lt;/P