Degrees of Freedom

Metrozone 3

Degrees of Freedom

Morden, Simon

Editorial Orbit
Fecha de edición junio 2011

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781841499475
368 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  11,75 €

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Resumen del libro

The Six Degrees of Samuel Petrovitch: * Michael is an AI of incalculable complexity trapped under the remains of Oshicora Tower. Petrovitch will free him one day; he just has to trust Michael will still be sane by the time he does. * Maddy and Petrovitch have trust issues. But Petrovitch is pretty sure she loves him. * Sonja Oshicora loves Petrovitch too. But she's playing a complicated game and it's not clear that she means to save him from what's coming. * The CIA wants to save the world. Well, just America, but they'll call it what they like. * The New Machine Jihad is calling. But Petrovitch killed it. Didn't he? * And the Armageddonists tried to kill pretty much everyone by blowing the world up. Now, they want to do it again. Once again, all roads lead back to Petrovitch. Everyone wants something from him, but all he wants is to be free ...

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