Collins Webster s Easy Learning Complete Spanish

Collins Webster s Easy Learning Complete Spanish

Amiot-Cadey, Gaëlle

Editorial Harper Collins
Fecha de edición julio 2011

Idioma español

EAN 9780007437702

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P.V.P.  16,90 €

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Resumen del libro

Collins Webster's Easy Learning Complete Spanish is a handy 3-in-1 book: grammar, verbs, and vocabulary in one volume, ideal for beginners wanting a clear and easy-to-understand Spanish reference guide. Collins Webster's Easy Learning Complete Spanish gives you the essential tools to help you progress quickly in your study of Spanish. The grammar, verb, and vocabulary sections have been designed for all those learning Spanish at school, in an evening class, for work, or for leisure. * Grammar: this section provides easily accessible information in an attractively presented layout. Key grammatical points are highlighted throughout the text as a means of reinforcement. Hundreds of examples of real Spanish illustrate clearly the grammatical points being made. In addition, a full glossary gives clear and simple explanations of grammatical terminology. * Verbs: you will find 120 fully conjugated regular and irregular verbs in this section. Each is self contained in a double-page spread showing all the major tenses. Major constructions and idiomatic phrases are given for all verb models, as well as hundreds of examples of real Spanish to show you how verbs are used in context . An index contains thousands of verbs which are cross-referred to their conjugation model. * Vocabulary: this handy section covering 50 topics (such as family, free time, careers, computing, education, food and drink, health, shopping) gives you all the vocabulary you need to communicate effectively in Spanish. With its clear, user-friendly grammar, all the most important Spanish verbs shown in full, and an extensive vocabulary guide, Collins Webster's Easy Learning Complete Spanish gives you all the elements to start speaking and writing with confidence in Spanish.

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