Chain of Gold

The last hours: Book One

Chain of Gold

Clare, Cassandra

Editorial Walker
Fecha de edición marzo 2020 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9781406392005
544 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  18,80 €

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Resumen del libro

From internationally bestselling author Cassandra Clare comes the first novel in a brand new Shadowhunters trilogy. Evil is hiding in plain sight and the only thing more dangerous than fighting demons is falling in love. Cordelia Carstairs is a Shadowhunter, a warrior trained since childhood to battle demons.

When her father is accused of a terrible crime, she and her brother travel to Edwardian London in the hope of preventing the family's ruin. Cordelia's mother wants to marry her off, but Cordelia is determined to be a hero rather than a bride. Soon Cordelia encounters childhood friends James and Lucie Herondale and is drawn into their world of glittering ballrooms, secret assignations and supernatural salons, where vampires and warlocks mingle with mermaids and magicians.

All the while, she must hide her secret love for James, who is sworn to marry someone else. But Cordelia's new life is blown apart when a shocking series of demon attacks devastate London. These monsters are nothing like those the Shadowhunters have fought before - these demons walk in daylight, strike down the unwary with incurable poison and seem impossible to kill.

London is immediately quarantined. Trapped in the city, Cordelia and her friends discover that their own connection to a dark legacy has gifted them with incredible powers - and force a brutal choice that will reveal the true cruel price of being a hero.

Biografía del autor

Cassandra Clare nació en Irán y pasó sus primeros años viajando por el mundo con su familia y varios baúles llenos de libros de fantasía, entre los que se contaban las series de Las crónicas de Narnia y Los seis signos de la luz. Más tarde, trabajó como periodista en Los Angeles y Nueva York, donde reside actualmente.

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