Bartleby and Me

Reflections of an Old Scrivener

Bartleby and Me

Talese, Gay

Editorial Houghton Mifflin
Fecha de edición abril 2024

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780358455479
320 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa dura
Dimensiones 140 mm x 219 mm

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P.V.P.  34,25 €

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Resumen del libro

Literary Legend (New York) Gay Talese retraces his pioneering career, marked by his fascination with the world's hidden characters.

In the concluding act of this "incomparable" (Air Mail) capstone book, Talese introduces readers to one final unforgettable story: the strange and riveting all new tale of Dr. Nicholas Bartha, who blew up his Manhattan brownstoneand himselfrather than relinquish his claim to the American dream.

New York is a city of things unnoticed, a young reporter named Gay Talese wrote sixty years ago. He would spend the rest of his legendary career defying that statement by celebrating the people most reporters overlooked, understanding that it was through these minor characters that the epic story of New York and America unfolded.

Inspired by Herman Melvilles great short story Bartleby, the Scrivener, Talese now revisits the unforgettable nobodies he has profiled in his celebrated careerfrom the New York Timess anonymous obituary writer to Frank Sinatras entourage. In the books final act, a remarkable piece of original reporting titled Dr. Barthas Brownstone, Talese presents a new Bartleby, an unknown doctor who made his mark on the city one summer day in 2006.

Rising within the city of New York are about one million buildings.

These include skyscrapers, apartment buildings, bodegas, schools, churches, and homeless shelters. Also spread through the city are more than 19,000 vacant lots, one of which suddenly appeared some years agoat 34 East 62nd Street, between Madison and Park Avenueswhen the unhappy owner of a brownstone at that address blew it up (with himself in it) rather than sell his cherished nineteenth-century high-stoop Neo-Grecian residence in order to pay the court-ordered sum of 4 million to the woman who had divorced him three years earlier. This man was a physician of sixty-six named Nicholas Bartha.

On the morning of July 10, 2006, Dr. Bartha filled his building with gas that he had diverted from a pipe in the basement, and then he set off an explosion that reduced the fivestory premises into a fiery heap that would injure ten firefighters and five passersby and damage the interiors of thirteen apartments that stood to the west of the crumbled brownstone.

Talese has been obsessed with Dr. Barthas story andspent the last seventeen years examining this single 20 x100 foot New York City building lot, its serpentine past,and the unexpected triumphs and disasters encountered by its residents and ownersan unlikely cast featuringsociety wannabes, striving immigrants, Gilded Agepowerbrokers, Russian financiers, and even a turncoatduring the War of Independencejust as he has beenobsessed with similar nobodies throughout his career.Concise, elegant, tragic, and whimsical, Bartleby and Meis the valedictory work of a master journalist.

Biografía del autor

x{0026}lt;P x{0026}lt;B Gay Talesex{0026}lt;/B nació en 1932 en Ocean City (Nueva Jersey), en una familia de raíces italianas. Fue periodista en x{0026}lt;I The New York Timesx{0026}lt;/I entre 1956 y 1965 y ha escrito en x{0026}lt;I The New Yorkerx{0026}lt;/I , x{0026}lt;I Timex{0026}lt;/I , x{0026}lt;I Harper's Magazinex{0026}lt;/I o x{0026}lt;I Esquirex{0026}lt;/I , que señaló su artículo Frank Sinatra está resfriado (incluido en x{0026}lt;I Retratos y encuentrosx{0026}lt;/I ) como el mejor que jamás publicaron sus páginas. Junto con Tom Wolfe, se le considera padre del Nuevo Periodismo. En 2012 recibió el Premio Reporteros del Mundo, otorgado por x{0026}lt;I El Mundox{0026}lt;/I , en reconocimiento a toda su obra, que incluye x{0026}lt;I Retratos y encuentrosx{0026}lt;/I (Alfaguara, 2010, mejor libro de no ficción del año por x{0026}lt;I Qué Leerx{0026}lt;/I y uno de los diez mejores del año para x{0026}lt;I Babeliax{0026}lt;/I ) o x{0026}lt;I El silencio del héroex{0026}lt;/I (Alfaguara, 2013), extraordinaria recopilación de sus crónicasdeportivas. En 1971 publicó el informe sobre la mafia x{0026}lt;I Honrarás a tu padrex{0026}lt;/I (Alfaguara, 2011), monumental crónica que inspiró x{0026}lt;I Los Sopranox{0026}lt;/I y fue elegido uno de los mejores libros de no ficción del año por x{0026}lt;I Qué Leerx{0026}lt;/I . En 1992 narró la historia de la familia Talese en x{0026}lt;I Los hijosx{0026}lt;/I (Alfaguara, 2014), a la que siguieron x{0026}lt;I Vida de un escritorx{0026}lt;/I (Alfaguara, 2012, uno de los mejores libros del año según el diario x{0026}lt;I Ara x{0026}lt;/I y x{0026}lt;I Qué Leerx{0026}lt;/I ), y x{0026}lt;I El motel del voyeurx{0026}lt;/I (Alfaguara, 2017). En 2014, coincidiendo con el cincuenta aniversario de la construcción del puente de Verrazzano, publicó una edición actualizada de su clásico x{0026}lt;I El puentex{0026}lt;/I .x{0026}lt;/P

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