Editorial Atlantic Books
Fecha de edición marzo 2014 · Edición nº 1
Idioma inglés
EAN 9780857897190
368 páginas
encuadernado en tapa blanda
In 1912, the SS Birmingham approaches India. On board is Morgan Forster, novelist and man of letters, who is embarking on a journey of discovery. As Morgan stands on deck, the promise of a strange new future begins to take shape before his eyes. The seeds of a story start to gather at the corner of his mind: a sense of impending menace, lust in close confines, under a hot, empty sky. It will be another twelve years, and a second time spent in India, before A Passage to India, E. M. Forster's great work of literature, is published. During these years, Morgan will come to a profound understanding of himself as a man, and of the infinite subtleties and complexity of human nature, bringing these great insights to bear in his remarkable novel.
At once a fictional exploration of the life and times of one of Britain's finest novelists, his struggle to find a way of living and being, and a stunningly vivid evocation of the mysterious alchemy of the creative process, Arctic Summer is a literary masterpiece, by one of the finest writers of his generation.
x{0026}lt;p x{0026}lt;b Damon Galgutx{0026}lt;/b (Pretoria, Sudáfrica, 1963) es novelista y dramaturgo. Publicó su primera novela, x{0026}lt;i A Sinless Seasonx{0026}lt;/i , a los diecinueve años. Es autor de otras ocho novelas. Con la última de ellas, x{0026}lt;i La promesax{0026}lt;/i (2021; Libros del Asteroide, 2022), ganó el premio Llibreter y el premio Booker, galardón del que ya había sido finalista en dos ocasiones con x{0026}lt;i El buen doctorx{0026}lt;/i (2003) y x{0026}lt;i En una habitación ajenax{0026}lt;/i (2010; Libros del Asteroide, 2024). Su novela anterior, x{0026}lt;i Arctic Summerx{0026}lt;/i (2014), fue seleccionada para los premios Walter Scott y Folio. Su obra ha sido traducida a más de veinticinco idiomas. Actualmente vive y trabaja en Ciudad del Cabo.x{0026}lt;/p