Arctic Summer

Arctic Summer

Galgut, Damon

Editorial Atlantic Books
Fecha de edición marzo 2014 · Edición nº 1

Idioma inglés

EAN 9780857897190
368 páginas
Libro encuadernado en tapa blanda

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P.V.P.  15,75 €

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Resumen del libro

In 1912, the SS Birmingham approaches India. On board is Morgan Forster, novelist and man of letters, who is embarking on a journey of discovery. As Morgan stands on deck, the promise of a strange new future begins to take shape before his eyes. The seeds of a story start to gather at the corner of his mind: a sense of impending menace, lust in close confines, under a hot, empty sky. It will be another twelve years, and a second time spent in India, before A Passage to India, E. M. Forster's great work of literature, is published. During these years, Morgan will come to a profound understanding of himself as a man, and of the infinite subtleties and complexity of human nature, bringing these great insights to bear in his remarkable novel.

At once a fictional exploration of the life and times of one of Britain's finest novelists, his struggle to find a way of living and being, and a stunningly vivid evocation of the mysterious alchemy of the creative process, Arctic Summer is a literary masterpiece, by one of the finest writers of his generation.

Biografía del autor

x{0026}lt;p x{0026}lt;b Damon Galgutx{0026}lt;/b (Pretoria, Sudáfrica, 1963) es novelista y dramaturgo. Publicó su primera novela, x{0026}lt;i A Sinless Seasonx{0026}lt;/i , a los diecinueve años. Es autor de otras ocho novelas. Con la última de ellas, x{0026}lt;i La promesax{0026}lt;/i (2021; Libros del Asteroide, 2022), ganó el premio Llibreter y el premio Booker, galardón del que ya había sido finalista en dos ocasiones con x{0026}lt;i El buen doctorx{0026}lt;/i (2003) y x{0026}lt;i En una habitación ajenax{0026}lt;/i (2010; Libros del Asteroide, 2024). Su novela anterior, x{0026}lt;i Arctic Summerx{0026}lt;/i (2014), fue seleccionada para los premios Walter Scott y Folio. Su obra ha sido traducida a más de veinticinco idiomas. Actualmente vive y trabaja en Ciudad del Cabo.x{0026}lt;/p

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