Editorial National Geographic Society
Fecha de edición noviembre 2014 · Edición nº 1
Idioma inglés
EAN 9781426213915
396 páginas
encuadernado en tapa dura
Epic in scope, yet loaded with captivating detail, this completely updated edition of National Geographic's bestselling Almanac of World History encompasses all of human history, from ancient times to present. It is a rich chronicle of great ages and cultures told in a vivid and varied format, a masterly combination of visual appeal and authoritative heft, a book you'll read with fascination-and refer to again and again. Divided into major eras and organized chronologically, each topic includes a detailed time line providing highlights of that period. Beautiful and compelling imagery and artwork show glimpses into the heart of each topic. Nearly 50 maps show major empires, boundaries, battles, trade routes, historical events and other fascinating elements. A robust appendix lists world leaders of major regions from ancient times to the present, as well as other historical data. A detailed index facilitates easy research of specific topics.
NEIL KAGAN es editor y dirige la empresa Kagan x{0026}lt;( x{0026}amp;x{0026}lt;) Associates, especializada en el diseño y la elaboración de libros ilustrados. Ha creado numerosas colecciones centradas en la historia estadounidense de reconocida fama.